
By booking with Surf Camp Pacifica, participants acknowledge and agree to comply with our policies

Surf Conditions Policy

1. Safety First:

• The safety of our participants is our top priority.

• Surf Camp Pacifica reserves the right to cancel or reschedule lessons in the event of unsafe surf conditions, including but not limited to strong currents, high tides, or hazardous waves.

2. Surf Condition Assessment:

• Our experienced beach directors will assess surf conditions prior to day

• Factors such as wave height, tide, wind, and water visibility will be taken into consideration.

3. Weather Consideration:

• Surf conditions are closely tied to weather patterns.

• Surf lessons / summer camp may be affected by adverse weather conditions such as heavy rain, wind or any extreme weather. In such cases, Surf Camp Pacifica will assess the situation and make decisions accordingly.

4. Participant Safety Acknowledgment:

• Participants acknowledge that surfing is a weather-dependent activity and that surf conditions can change rapidly.

• By booking with Surf Camp Pacifica, participants accept the inherent risks associated with surfing and agree to comply with any decisions made by our staff regarding surf conditions and safety.

5. Instructor Discretion:

• Employees of Surf Camp Pacifica have the final say on whether surf conditions are safe for participants.

• Participants are expected to respect the decisions and instructions provided by our staff regarding surf conditions and safety precautions.

6. Continuous Monitoring:

• Surf conditions will be continuously monitored throughout the day to ensure the safety of participants.

• Surf Camp Pacifica reserves the right to make real-time adjustments to bookings based on changing surf conditions.

Attendance / Check-in Policy

Refund Policy

For all camps: 

For private lessons: 

You may cancel or reschedule by emailing us at info@surfcamppacifica.com or calling our office at 650.758.7873

Environmental Policy

Health Policy

Equipment Policy

Code of Conduct 

Safety Policy